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You can have it all, just not at the same time


Life’s plot twists, especially the painful ones can leave us feeling lonely and disconnected, often when we’re surrounded by our closest people.

Empathy, compassion and courage are not skills you’re born with, you learn them.

Join us as we make sense of life.


Childhood Cancer

My daughter’s childhood cancer changed me.

I now seek understanding before judgement. I hurt more often. I laugh louder. I am quick to find gratitude and forgiveness. I cry more easily and my hope is so deep and rich, you could taste it.

From the trenches of my daughters childhood cancer I begin writing my own stories and those of our warrior companions.

I founded the Bravery Box, a charity who help kids and teens with cancer, and their families. My writing there reached up to 20,000 and I am deeply honoured to have helped families through some of the hardest moments of their lives.

I now write more broadly. My constant is the search for hope, humour and honesty.

Tanya’s words touch my SOUL

Kellie McG

Actually, in LOVE with your stories. 

Keely R

Tanya talked me though some coping strategies for childhood cancer. Every new diagnosis should come with a Tanya

Nicole C

Mum Guilt
Coping versus not coping

Life lemonade

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When you’re sick of the taste of lemonade, build a lemon canon and fire those suckers right back at life.

Sometimes looking on the bright side can do more harm than actually just sitting down in your grief and sadness.

I’m learning to take one emotion at a time, to give each feeling the same welcome I give happiness.

Joy is still my favourite emotion, but I’m learning to make room for all of them. 

Love Tanya

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